Best Window Seat on Plane – A Detailed Guide to Optimal Views and Comfort

Published on: November 1, 2023
Written by Karim Niru / Fact-checked by Evander Mac

The best window seat on a plane is typically located towards the front, just before the wings. This position offers an unobstructed view and a smoother ride.

For passengers seeking the finest views during their flight, seats located just before the wings are ideal. These spots provide a clear vantage point without the obstruction of the aircraft’s wings. In economy class, selecting a seat towards the front can also enhance the travel experience. These seats are often quieter and allow for quicker disembarkation.

For long-haul flights in economy, the seats near the front and by the emergency exits offer more legroom, making the journey more comfortable. On international flights, the same principle applies, with passengers often preferring window seats for the views and additional space.

best window seat on plane

The seat number that is considered the best can vary based on the aircraft model. Generally, seats in the front or those numbered lower are preferred for their tranquility and convenience. In the context of safety, seats located towards the back of the plane have statistically shown to be safer in the event of an accident.

Certain window seats may have their views blocked by the wings of the plane. To avoid this, passengers can consult seat maps before booking to ensure a clear view.

We invite you to read the detailed article below for more insights on selecting the perfect seat for your journey.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Window Seats

Views from Different Sections of the Plane

Selecting the right window seat can transform your flying experience. The position of your seat determines the vistas you’ll enjoy. Seats towards the front offer panoramic views, while those near the wings might restrict the scenery. A seat at the back might give you glimpses of the horizon, creating a serene ambiance. So, your choice can be the difference between a visual feast and a bland journey.

Comfort and Space Considerations

Comfort is a key aspect of any journey. Window seats can offer varying levels of ease depending on their location. Seats near the emergency exits or bulkheads often have extra legroom, making them a preferred choice for many. On the flip side, seats right at the back may have limited recline and could be close to the restrooms, affecting your peace during the flight.

Noise Levels and Proximity to Amenities

The noise level can also influence your choice of a window seat. Seats near the engines or restrooms can be noisier. Being close to amenities like restrooms or galleys can be convenient but might also mean frequent foot traffic and disturbances. So, considering the noise and proximity to amenities is crucial for a pleasant flight.

Evaluating Views and Aesthetics from the Window

Impact of Wing Position on Views

The position of the aircraft’s wings plays a significant role in determining your view. A seat too close to the wings might obstruct the scenery, while one too far back might only offer a limited horizon view. Ideally, a seat slightly forward of the wings provides a balance, offering both sky and ground vistas.

Sunrise, Sunset, and Scenic Spots from the Sky

Witnessing a sunrise or sunset from thousands of feet above the ground is a breathtaking experience. Window seats on the east side of the plane can offer stunning sunrises, while those on the west might give you a picturesque sunset. Also, certain routes pass over scenic spots, making specific window seats highly sought after.

Comfort and Convenience in Window Seats

Legroom and Seat Recline

The amount of legroom and the ability to recline your seat can greatly impact your comfort. Some window seats, especially those near emergency exits, offer more space to stretch out. Conversely, seats in front of a bulkhead or at the very back might have restricted recline.

Proximity to Restrooms and Exits

Being close to restrooms and exits can be both a blessing and a curse. While it offers convenience, it can also mean more disturbances. Striking a balance is key to ensuring a comfortable journey.

Comparison of Comfort Features by Seat Location

Seat LocationLegroomSeat ReclineNoise LevelProximity to Restrooms
Front, near exitsHighHighLowMedium
Middle, over wingsMediumMediumHighHigh
Comparison of Comfort Features by Seat Location

Safety Considerations for Window Seat Selection

Historical Data on Safety by Seat Location

Safety is a paramount concern for travelers. Historically, data suggests that certain seat locations may have a slight advantage in terms of safety during unlikely events such as accidents.

Safety Statistics by Aircraft and Seat Position

Aircraft TypeFront Seats Safety %Middle Seats Safety %Back Seats Safety %
Large Jets49%56%69%
Small Jets52%60%70%
Safety Statistics by Aircraft and Seat Position

Special Needs and Preferences

Window Seats for Traveling with Children

Choosing a window seat when traveling with children can be beneficial. The view can keep them entertained, and being away from the aisle minimizes disturbances. Seats near the front are often preferred as they allow for quicker boarding and deplaning.

Preferences for Passengers with Mobility Concerns

For passengers with mobility concerns, a window seat near the front or close to exits can be convenient. These seats often have slightly more space, making movement easier.

Visualizing the Best Window Seats

Chart: Passenger Preferences for Window Seats

passenger preferences for window seats
Passenger Preferences for Window Seats

Visualizing Seat Comfort and Views

visualizing seat comfort and views
Visualizing Seat Comfort and Views

Strategies for Securing the Best Window Seat

Booking Strategies and Timing

Securing the best window seat requires a bit of strategy. Booking early often gives you a wider selection of seats. Some airlines allow you to choose your seat at the time of booking, while others open seat selection during check-in.

Utilizing Seat Maps and Apps

Leveraging seat maps and apps can also aid in securing a prime window seat. Many airlines and third-party websites provide seat maps that detail the layout of the aircraft, allowing you to make an informed choice.


Why Do Window Seats Often Cost More?

Airlines often charge a premium for window seats due to their high demand. Many passengers prefer the window seat because of the view it offers, the ability to lean against the wall for rest, and the added privacy. Moreover, window seats provide travelers with a sense of control over their environment, as they can decide whether to keep the shade up or down. This combination of factors makes window seats more desirable, leading airlines to capitalize on this preference by charging a bit extra.

Are There Any Health Benefits to Choosing a Window Seat?

Yes, there are subtle health benefits. For one, window seats can help reduce motion sickness for some individuals. Looking outside and having a stable point of reference can help the brain reconcile the movement felt and the visual input. Furthermore, having control over the window shade can help passengers adjust to different time zones by managing their exposure to natural light, potentially reducing jet lag.

How Much Extra Does It Cost to Reserve a Window Seat on a Plane?

When booking a flight, many travelers wonder about the added expense of reserving a window seat. The cost for an airline seat prices can vary depending on the airline and type of fare. On average, expect to pay an additional $10 to $50 for the privilege of securing a window seat.

How Do Window Seats Impact Sleep Quality on Flights?

Window seats can offer better sleep quality for travelers. The wall of the aircraft provides a surface to lean against, making it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position. Additionally, passengers in window seats are not disturbed by aisle activity, such as passing carts or other passengers moving about. This means fewer interruptions and a more peaceful rest.

What’s the Downside of Choosing a Window Seat?

While window seats offer many advantages, they come with a few drawbacks. One notable downside is the limited mobility. Passengers in window seats might find it more challenging to get up and move around, especially if they’re seated next to strangers. This can be a concern on longer flights where regular movement is recommended to promote circulation and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

Do All Window Seats Guarantee a Window?

Surprisingly, not all window seats come with a window. Due to the design and structure of some aircraft, there might be rows where a window is missing. This can be disappointing for passengers expecting a view. It’s always a good idea to check seat maps or consult airline staff when booking to ensure the chosen window seat indeed has a window.

How Do Window Seats Affect In-Flight Entertainment?

The placement of in-flight entertainment screens varies by airline and aircraft type. In some cases, the screen might be on the seat back in front of the passenger. In others, especially for window seats, the screen might be on the armrest, requiring passengers to adjust their viewing angle. This can sometimes make it a bit uncomfortable during extended viewing.

Is There a Best Side of the Plane for Window Seats?

The “best” side often depends on the specific flight route and personal preferences. For flights that travel along coastlines, one side might offer ocean views while the other offers land views. Similarly, on certain routes, passengers might see iconic landmarks from one side of the plane. It’s beneficial to research the flight path and determine which side offers the most appealing views for that particular journey.

In this guide, we’ve walked through the various factors that can influence the choice of the best window seat on a plane. From views and aesthetics to comfort, safety, and special needs, there are several aspects to consider. Visualizations and data tables have provided insights into passenger preferences and safety statistics. By considering all these elements and employing smart booking strategies, you can enhance your flying experience and ensure a pleasant journey.

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